Saddam Hussein is Dead

Not that the news will make much of any difference, but Saddam Hussein has been executed -- tried, held accountable and killed for crimes committed 24-years ago, when he was a friend of the US, and America turned a blind eye to the strong-arm tactics of his dictatorship. Ironic. Too bad Hussein isn't the only criminal in this whole debacle. The biggest culprit to escape free is US foreign policy -- especially in the Middle East. Hussein was nothing more than another two-bit dictator, although his ambitions were fueled by black gold. He made the mistake of pissing off the Americans, just as Iran is currently doing.

What lessons can be learned from this execution? The world is not black and white. There are no "good guys" and "bad guys." Just the strong and the weak. It's about power and control. This execution will not make a damn difference. Hussein earned his punishment, but it's a poor illusion that he was tried and punished by his people. The war in Iraq should have been the people's revolution, not a US invasion. The war will continue. The region is not ready for democracy. The hearts and minds aren't ready for the change. Another dictator will take Hussein's position when the US finally withdraws. The cycle will continue.

Updated: Dec. 30, 2006
  • Iraq Post Saddam -- immediately after the hanging of Saddam Hussein, bombings and other attacks took 80 Iraqis and 6 more American troops.
  • Hussein defiant in last moments -- a play-by-play before Hussein swung from the gallows. A video shot from a camera phone has already been upload on the web. I won't provide a link to it. You can search for it.

Updated: Dec. 31, 2006 Fair Trial? -- The Progressive is carrying a report on the fairness of Hussein's trial. If you believe in a democracy, the rule of law and justice for all, you would have problems with how the trial of Hussein was conducted. Then again, this is the Middle East and the US. Vigilantism works just as well.


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