Time's Person of the Year

Time Poll
karmalised has a post on Time Magazine's Person of the Year award. In case you're not aware, Time Magazine did something different this year. They gave their award to, you. The award has always been given to the person(s) or idea(s) that has had the greatest influence -- good or bad -- and this year, apparently, the editors at Time felt that we had the biggest impact. The power of us, has significantly changed the world, more so than it has ever had. Our collective voice for the first time, has gained a global audience -- yes, for better and for worse -- thanks mostly to digital technologies and the (mostly) democratic platform of the internet. Who can argue with that?

The post by Hands Off Venezuela can argue with that, as the online poll Time ran to get your votes for Person of the Year had a clear winner: Hugo Chavez. Online polls -- that great democratic equalizer. Ironic that the power of you, doesn't really extend to influencing Time's choice for person of the year. Or not. The thing with the power of you, for better or for worse, is that there isn't always wisdom in the crowds. Online polls are notorious for giving the illusion of democracy, but there is no way of guaranteeing one person one vote -- or that the votes are representative of an entire demographic. The crowd may be wise, but sometimes, it is nothing more than a mob.


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