Death of Islam

The Wahhabists are having their way with Islam and the prophet, and nothing could more ironic. The cultural history of Islam in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, is being systematically destroyed as the Wahhabists enforce their world view. The Wahhabists have a "fanatical fear that places of historical and religious interest could give rise to idolatry or polytheism, the worship of multiple and potentially equal gods," according to the Independent. More and more, the Wahhabists are extending their view of Islam to the rest of the Muslim world -- most notably, by supporting the use of violence and terrorism, in order to achieve their ends. Now, they're attacking their own history, as they see it as interfering with one's devotion to Allah. Sponsors of these pariah continue to be the Saudi Arabian state, who's autocracy depend on the Wahhabi clerics to maintain tight control over the population.

When the Taliban, Wahhabi henchmen, destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2000, there was an outcry from the world. As the Wahhani bulldozers level history in Mecca and Medina, there's not a peep from the world -- not even the Muslim world. Yet again, Muslims are silent as crimes in their name are being committed. Why should the world care what these throwbacks do themselves? After all, non-Muslims aren't even welcomed in the holy cities. I think we should care. The history being destroyed by the Wahhabi insanity doesn't belong to just Muslims. It is also history that belongs to the human species. We all own a part of it -- and these stupid men are destroying it.

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