Pope's Christmas Message

Not that the Pontiff and his bunch of merry miscreants have much relevancy left today, but seeing that it is Christmas, it is habitual for Christians (Catholics especially) to turn their attention to Rome for their annual superfluous message. This year, dressed in all his finery, surrounded by the affluence of Vatican City, Pope Benedict the poopy one, delivered his Christmas message at a midnight mass in St. Peter's Basilica. The Pope focused on children in his homily, declaring, "The child of Bethlehem directs our gaze towards all children, particularly those who suffer and are abused in the world, the born and the unborn."

How ironic that the Pope should suddenly care about children. After the last few years of scandals involving the priesthood and children under their care, you'd think the Pope would be directing this message to the houses of God, where the anguish is being felt. How about some reform in the priesthood? How about allowing priests to wed? How about using the papacy to sponsor modernization of the Catholic church? How about taking that Vatican wealth to the masses of God's children that need a helping Christian hand? Any of these endeavours would serve the children of the world. Is this demanding too much? I wonder sometimes, does the Pope actually believe in God?

Update: December 26, 2006

Photo caption as per Reuters: Sacred ... Pope Benedict is celebrating midnight mass at Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, calling on everyone to remember the plight of abused and neglected children across the world.
Yes, go to him children ... go to the bogeyman, he won't eat you! Why the respect, people?!!!


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