Seven Days to the River Rhine

NATO vs. The Warsaw Pact
Poland's government has released its secret Warsaw Pact military archives to the world -- including this 1979 map that depicts a limited nuclear exchange between NATO and the Warsaw Pact forces. In the plan, the Soviet forces would be rushing to stem a NATO invasion of Eastern Europe, and expected NATO to use tactical nuclear weapons, which the Soviets would counter with their own. The map doesn't show any strikes on France or England, but Denmark, Belgium and West Germany would feel the brunt of Soviet nuclear missiles. Likewise, the Russians expected NATO nuclear strikes to completely destroy Poland.

While this was only a plan, it is glimpse of what World War 3 would have looked like. USSR was aware of American resolve that if the Warsaw Pact forces was to use nuclear weapons in a war in Europe, American forces would counter with nuclear strikes against Russia itself. During the cold war, plans that included nuclear weapons also called formidable conventional forces on both sides to be deployed. At the height of the cold war, both NATO and the Warsaw Pact had large conventional forces ready for deployment. It's amazing how far the world travel on that troubled path in such a short period of time -- and how fast it managed to change course. Kinda gives some hope.


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