Slither (2006)

I finally saw Slither -- missed it completely when it was in the theatres, and I even really wanted to see it. I wasn't disappointed. Slither was fun. It was a parasite-space-slug taking over the world movie. It was a zombie movie. It was a horror movie, and it had lots of laughs. It was a total B-movie, and made no bones about it. The effects were great, the acting was great and the story just kept moving.

In a small southern town in America, where everybody pretty much knows everybody -- where the mayor is foul-mouthed supporter of the hunting culture; the chief of police a local boy with a crush on the wife of the local money; the wife of the local money a science teacher who is on the mind of many of her male students; and the local money is a man's man, who's filled with more than his share of arrogance, but isn't such a bad guy. Into this idyllic place of boredom, an meteorite crashes, unleashing evil alien slugs on the populace.

The slugs proceed to inhabit the town folk, turning them into zombies or meat for the select few who are to be used to birth many more slugs. The stage is set for world domination and the end of humankind. Unless ... unless a hero emerges that will save the day, win the girl and walk off into the sunset with a slightly satisfied smirk on his face. The hero job is handed to the chief of police -- aided with the science-teaching wife, who's husband is turned into the alien-slug host to rule them all -- and teen who's had a close encounter with the alien, and provides some insight.

The movie will keep you at the edge of your seat, with the relentless pace of alien slug fighting. The dialogue -- the dry humour -- will keep you rolling in between the moments of jumping out of your skin. Definitely worth watching late on a Friday night.


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