Undesireables in My Building

There are some people living in my building who I would rather not have here -- or there, or anywhere else for that matter. These contemptible people have irked me way too often. They've driven me to obscenities. They've spoiled many a good day before I've even had the chance to start them. I've never seen these people, so I can't identify them -- but I know their traits very well. They wear the asshole badge -- some proudly I suspect, while others are ignorant of their ignorance. They're shameful in their behaviour. They have a detestable disregard for others, their neighbourhood and the world they live in -- and tonight, they managed to piss me off yet again.

I went to the garbage-shoot to send some garbage to the basement, and what did I find there? Some execrable neighbour had left their garbage stuck in the shoot. The only way I could use it is by first pushing their garbage down -- an act they were apparently unwilling to complete. I'm sure you know the revolting group of people this miscreant belongs to. They walk the earth in a state of vampiric unscrutability. They're the ones that drop garbage on the streets. They don't say thanks when you hold the door open for them. They push their way through life, oblivious of those that they knock over. These people are proof that common sense is not a capacity all possess.

To add further insult, I happen to see through their plastic garbage bag as it disappeared down the shoot. It contained a number of plastic yogurt containers. Not only do these people display a swinish disdain to their neighbours, they also follow it up with an equal loathsome scorn for the world they live in. They don't care to live on this world. Plastic containers, especially the ones I saw, are recyclable. They can be remade into useful products instead of sitting in a landfill for however many hundreds of years.

I'm sure these people are the same ones who also have the offensive practice of not sorting their recycling, when they choose to recycle. In our building's basement are a number of large recycling containers, each clearly marked for a specific retrieval purpose. One for plastics, another for glass and the last for paper. Cardboard is to be placed on the floor for compacting. Our buildings superintendent does a pretty good job of keeping up his end of the recycling chore -- making sure the place is clean, and there is available capacity in the containers. Without fail however, every week finds same offensive practice by a few flagitious creatures. They dump their recycling in whichever container, disregarding the clear labels that tells them what goes where.

These lowlifes make me wonder why they recycle. If you're not going to make the effort, why pretend? What satisfaction do you get from disposing your recycling like garbage? Inevitably, the superintendent is the one burdened with sorting through the mess left behind. I feel sorry for the guy. He works for his wages. He doesn't need this -- but if he doesn't do it, our building runs the risk of having the city refuse our recycling. The culprits that create this mess knows that someone has to sort through it -- and knows who is ultimately tasked with the job. I suspect that they simply don't care because he is only a superintendent. I know these people. They are the ones that will walk by those they consider beneath their station in life, not seeing them -- not seeing the serving people, the janitors, and the garbage collectors. Apparently, they're not seeing you or I, either.

My world doesn't need such individuals. They have a rogue character that we could do without. How do I get them out of my building? How do I get them off the planet?


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