Soy is Girly

According to Jim Rutz of the WorldNetDaily, soybean products are "feminizing" the males of the population; causing homosexuality; and if that isn't scarring the shit out of you, also leading to cancer, infertility and obesity. Rutz is sounding the warning when the rest of the world seems totally oblivious to the dangers of adopting a soy-heavy diet.
Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products.
In case you didn't notice the sarcasm in my introduction, let me introduce the WorldNetDaily to you. It is a project launched by Joseph Farah of the Western Journalism Center. Farah is a self-proclaimed conservative Christian journalist, who's claim to fame is crashing and burning a few newspapers, hanging out with Rush Limbaugh and Richard Pombo, and hating the Democrats, gays, Arabs and liberals. In his book Taking America Back, he declares his position: "The choice is simple: The world of standards and morality, of marriage, order, the rule of law, and accountability to God? Or the world of anything-goes, aberrant sexual behavior, doing-your-own-thing lifestyles, and moral codes that change with the speed of the latest public-opinion poll?"

The guy is a piece of turd -- albeit, not one that is soy induced. [I got this via the Right Wing Watch.]


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