
What the hell is up with the Economist? The latest issue (Dec. 20 - Jan. 2) has a three-pager on angels -- yes, people with wings that work for god and are constantly looking over people's shoulders. A serious discourse that brings your regular non-believer, up to speed on just how scary the friggin' world has gotten. Seriously, folks, we're not just talking regular superstition here -- like not shaving during the playoffs -- we're talking full blown flabbergastery! The non-medicinal, hallucinatory inducement of the divine. People w-h-o s-e-e t-h-i-n-g-s!!! The article points out that 75% of Americans believe in angels -- 45% in Israel, and somewhere in the 30s for Canada, Britain and Australia. A qualifier for the Canadian statistic comes from Ipsos Reid, in a survey published in December 2008, in which, 37% of Canadians believed in angels with certainty, while 30% said they believed somewhat. That's a whopping 67% of Canadians! The prairie and Atlantic provinces believed the most, with over 75% signing up for god's messengers.



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