Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I greeted the new year last night by going to bed early. I don't get staying up to midnight watching others party on the streets around the world -- Torontonians freezing their collective asses off at Nathan Phillips Square, or those watching a giant ball in Times Square, NY. So, unlike most nights, where I do stay up late past midnight, cause I am a night owl, I celebrated in my contrary ritual of going to bed early. I went to bed early -- it's a once in a year event! I did wake up at 12:30AM, went to the bathroom, came back, wished my wife a happy new year and broke into a gentle lullaby of snores.

This morning, I was roused from slumber with the great smells wafting up the stairs and into the bedrooms. My wife, a habitual early riser, was down in the kitchen, breaking eggs, tossing flour and creating a lovely smelling breakfast. Not sure how I made it down the stairs -- I think my nose led the way, with my feet sluggishly padding the air behind me as I floated down to the kitchen table. Fresh pancakes, wonderful eggs with cheddar cheese, garlic and a variety of Italian spices, and a fruit salad made of assorted melons, peaches and kiwi. Since we're not all coffee drinkers, there was freshly brewed tea. It was lovely.

After breakfast, we read the first part of Ben Gadd's Raven's End -- a gift from my wife's stocking that came from the most unexpected little bookstore, Cafe Books, in Canmore, Alberta. We haven't done much reading as a family in a while. It used to be a regular occurrence for us, but as we all seem to have packed agendas these days, the reading together has grown infrequent. It was enjoyable though and I was parched at the end of the reading. The story is probably geared towards children, but the nice, light reading is a great way to lazy through the first day of the new year.

I'm needing a coffee now, and I'm hoping one of the local coffee shops are open today. We'll soon be heading off on another annual ritual for new year's day -- a family walk in what constitutes the woods in the city. It's -6°C out there currently, with the sun shinning brightly and the sky quite blue. A great way to start off the new year.


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