Italy bans ethnic foods from cities

American craziness now has competition -- from Italy. The right-wing-nuts from Italy have decided to preserve their threatened culture, and are moving to ban all non-Italian food from their cities. City councils are enacting legislation to ban the opening of new ethnic food outlets, as the popularity of ethnic foods grow in Italy. The wingnuts have cited culture protection and competition (ethnic restaurant owners apparently work longer hours) to justify their racism.

This is so bizarre, I don't know how to respond to these idiots. Don't they know where their Italian food came from? Tomatoes are from Peru. Pasta from China. Oranges and lemons from the Middle East. What is Italian food? And protection culture? Can you go to any city in the world and not find an Italian restaurant? They're everywhere! If anything, the Italian culture these idiots are trying to protect is no longer Italian -- it belongs to the world now.


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