The result from the latest Israeli-Palestinian fighting

Launch attacks. Brace for the retaliation. Escalate the violence. Get world attention. Start the propaganda war for the hearts and minds of world opinion. Let the cry-track play between the spates of artillery fire. After the death toll reaches an acceptable horrendous level, negotiate a ceasefire. Rewind. Repeat.

The result from the latest situation war between Palestine and Israel:
  1. 22 days of fighting -- mostly Israel bombing the hell out of everything
  2. 1,300 lives taken in Gaza -- close to 60 per day
  3. 412 of the dead are kids
  4. 5,450 are wounded in Gaza
  5. 1,855 of them are kids
  6. 13 Israelis die
  7. 500,000 people are without access to clean drinking water
  8. Sewage and sanitation systems are gone
Nothing positive was accomplished. It wasn't really worth it. Hamas and Israel both share the blame.


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