The Uncultured Project -- Fighting Global Poverty

I'm Shawn - a 27 year old Canadian from Toronto. Before starting this project, I was a graduate student on scholarship at Notre Dame University. My life took a turn after I met Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (author of the book "The End of Poverty") when he came to give a speech at Notre Dame. That speech inspired me to withdraw from grad school, liquidate my savings, and begin this journey to try and make the world a better place - one meaningful difference at a time.
How totally cool is this? Check out more about Shawn on his website, the Uncultured Project, and his YouTube channel. It's a noble ideal, unfortunately, it seems like Shawn is running out of money, and won't be able to continue the project for much longer. But, cool idea nonetheless. For those who care to make global poverty a thing of the past by helping the poor help themselves, check out Kiva and Canadian Food for the Hungry -- both of which continue to receive support from my family. Hey, if Shawn could afford to give up a chunk of his life to make a difference, the least you can do is part with a few dollars.

Updated: Jan. 13, 2009
  • See a Kiva video here.


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