Iranian cleric porn

A hidden camera that caught an Iranian cleric committing adultery is making its rounds on the blogosphere ... especially in Iran, where the MSM works in concert with government censors. Let's hope the woman in the video doesn't get the blame, take the fall, and is executed for being caught on video with a fat-assed mullah.
Many remember how last year—ironically in the same province of Hamadan—a medical student was arrested by the “Morality Patrol” for sitting with her fiancĂ© in a public park. When her family was finally allowed to visit her 48 hours later, they were asked to remove her lifeless body. Police claimed she had hanged herself in the temporary detention centre, and the state blocked an investigation by warning that any discussion “would only give the enemy’s propagandists their much-needed opportunity to attack us.”

The punishment that this cleric received was 100 lashes and banishment to another province. Hardly justice, but the embarrassment this is causing the religious freaks in Iran is more important.


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