Genetic Programming I'm reading Digital Biology - I had to put it down for a little while to get back to work and real life, but I picked it back up again. The part I just finished reading introduced me to genetic programming (GP). In its most basic sense, GP is all about computer programs that evolve. Code that's written to evolve in order to solve problems. For instance, if your code was a piece of GP, then for instance, you would tell it that 1999 may be a problem, and that the program is needed to work in 2000 and beyond. The program would then evolve code - it would change itself, adding, modifying, growing, ... evolving if you will, to meet the new demands. The title link will take you to "a source of information about the field of genetic programming." There is a wealth of information at the site, including a short tutorial to introduce you to the field, lots of illustrations, papers, and even a flowchart of genetic programming. Another good place to get a wealth of information on GP, is Genetic Programming Inc., the company created by GP guru and Stanford Univeristy professor, John Koza. GP has also made its way into the arts - although there is still debate (or rather, denouncements) from the purists, who consider any computer generated art, not art. A company that's pushing this frontier, is GenArts Inc., founded by Karl Sims of MIT. Their work is specifically geared towards film and video - things I have no experience in, although, given the time, I would like to just start playing around with Adobe Premiere. Others who are pushing the art frontier are:
  • William Latham and Stephen Todd - a team-up of an artist and a mathematician to produce evolved, organic art. Some of what they've produce is truly amazing. It's would be interesting to behold some of the images rendered as three-dimensional sculptures.
  • Steven Rooke, who has spent the last seven years honing his skills of evolving art.
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