Video-game ban lifted I wonder sometimes about the US. Their continued slide to right-wing conservative-fundamentalism continues (and there's a mouthful I just don't believe I just said). The state of Missouri had sought to ban violent video games from minors because they would be harmful to minors. The ruling came down on the side of the video-games producers. I agree with them. I also agree with the contention that kids should not be exposed too much unsupervised violence. Violence is a part of our world. Even if we go back to the 'utopian' days of the 1950s in North America. Violence was prevalent then too. Just not in mainstream media. However, it's not the place of the courts to raise our children. The comment by the St. Louis County counselor, that "It means the kids can rent video games without their parents' permission" is a load of hog-wash. If parents aren't aware of what their kids are doing, they shouldn't be parents. It's part of the damn job.


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