Waste Justin Frankel, creator of WinAmp, Gnutella & Shoutcast, quietly posted the code for a new piece of software on Nullsoft's website last month. A few hours later, it was quickly yanked from the site by parent company AOL, and replaced with a warning that everyone who downloaded the code is to destroy it immediately. The same thing happened two years ago when Frankel posted the code of Gnutella. What is Waste? Waste is a decentralized, encrypted chat program that allows specified folders on a users computer to be shared. While the code is still in beta, enough coders now have their hands on it, and enough mirror sites are up distributing the code. Waste is about to evolve. Where will it go next? As for Frankel ... while he's a respected programmer, his antics and bad boy image (read: he cares about programming, not protecting media giants or skirting the law) have apparently pushed AOL too far. Looks like he's either going to quit, or they're going to fire his ass.


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