Fermionic Condensates I think I had posted this news previously, but here it is in a clear to understand summary. Scientists have discovered a new form of matter. We all learned of solids, liquids and gases in elementary school -- then in high school, we learn about plasmas. In 1995, Bose-Einstein condensates were discovered -- this state occurs when bosons are supercooled, and merge to form a single super-particle that behaves more like a wave than a particle. Now, meet fermionic condensate (read the preprint [PDF])-- related to Bose-Einstein condensates, in that it occurs at temperatures close to absolute zero. The properties of this new form of matter isn't fully known or understood yet, but initial thoughts are that it should flow without viscosity -- akin to superconductors. The commerical application of superconductors are wide ranging -- so expect further research into this form of matter to grow -- especially in industry.


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