Smart-Label Revolution Here's an application of smart-labels or RFIDs that I never thought of -- but boy will it make retailers and manufacturers more wary. Imagine if the prolifiation of smart labels really does happen like the industry is hoping. Wouldn't it be great for retailers and manufacturers alike? They'll be able to track inventory better, avoid stock-outs -- lower costs and increase profits. But imagine a little bit more. Imagine you -- you dumb consumer -- imagine you surfing to a website that tracks products made by exploited 10-year-olds in some third-world country -- or a website that tracks companies that polluters -- you get the idea -- now imagine you can pull down the identification of their products and store them in your own little handheld for your next shopping trip -- imagine what fun it would be, when you're no longer just a dumb consumer, but a consumer with a conscience, and the information to act on that conscience -- that day is coming -- and it's going to be so much fun!


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