Globalization Or what I had for dinner last night -- it dawned on my last night after dinner, as I was munching on some grapes after a not too shabby dinner that I had made, that the world really is a small place. A lot of people have taken to the streets to protest globalization, big business or world trade -- or something like that. You can keep the protest. I rather enjoy the world becoming a smaller place, and if it isn't for trade, why else would the world be a small place? Think of the foods! Which was exactly what I was thinking about last night -- great foods! My dinner last night was an international concoction. While I was cooking, I was munching on grapes from Chile. To prepare the meal, I first placed some shrimps (from China) in a bowl to thaw, then started peeling the Eddoes (from Africa) -- when that was finished, I used spices -- ginger, garlic, garam masala, jeera -- all from India or somewhere in Asia, and of course, I had to add the British spices: black pepper and salt. While that started to cook, I started on the Eggplant -- from the West Indies. To accompany the meal, I purchased some mango juice -- from South Africa -- there was a mango juice in the grocery store from Canada, but it had a little mango and a whole lot of artificial flavours and preservatives -- I skipped it. Now where would dinner have been last night if it wasn't for global trade?


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