Baseline Magazine

On my way home tonight, I read these articles from the latest Baseline Magazine.
  • Call for Help [PDF] - in 2000, the City of Chicago implemented a 311 telephone system to be the central number for the denizens of the city to reach The City. Of course, giving the city a central number to call wasn't going to work all by itself. Workers had to be trained and accompanying systems had to be put in place -- but by all measure, it's turning out to be a success.
  • Sin City [PDF] - Las Vegas is the American city of Sin. It's a city of excesses -- gambling, drinking, prostitution, food, entertainment and surveillance -- yes, surveillance. No one goes anywhere in Las Vegas, except maybe for their rooms and washrooms, without being scanned, photographed and have their extraneous private details logged, aggregated, mined and analyzed to identify potential tricksters that would try to beat the casinos -- either legally or illegally. In this new world of "fighting terror," Baseline Magazine suggests that the US Department of Homeland Security could learn a lot from the one place in the US that would immediately raise spite in Muslim fundamentalists.
  • Soldiering On [PDF] - this is classic -- the US Department of Veterans Affairs has spent millions to upgrade some of its systems to allow more efficient processing of claims -- most of it as money going down the drain because they allowed requirements to change on the fly as the project was being run.
  • Half-Speed [PDF] - the US Navy and Marine Corps awarded EDS an $8.8 billion contract over 10-years to rollout the Navy and Marine Corps Intranet. Wonderful for EDS -- and not. Read this for a lesson on how not to outsource and how not to select the winner for the contract. As EDS is learning -- there is usually a hornet's nest in the details -- and as the Navy is learning -- the lowest bidder ain't always the right choice.
  • Keeping Out the Digital Swarm [PDF] - here's a short article on the current state of antivirus processes and technology, but really boils down to technology isn't necessarily everything.
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