Tom Holt's Nothing But Blue Skies

I finished reading this novel tonight -- I was reading it to my youngest over the course of the last couple of months. This is the first Tom Holt novel I've read, and I already have a couple others waiting in the wings. Holt is witty, funny, and a good story teller with quite the imagination. Here's what the back of the book says:
There are many reasons why British summers are either non–existent or, alternatively, held on a Thursday. Many of these reasons are either scientific, mad, or both — but all of them are wrong, especially the scientific ones. The real reason why it rains perpetually from January 1st to December 31st (incl.) is, of course, irritable Chinese Water Dragons. Karen is one such legendary creature. Ancient, noble, nearly indestructible and, for a number of wildly improbable reasons, working as a real estate agent, Karen is irritable quite a lot of the time. But now things have changed, and Karen’s no longer irritable. She’s furious.


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