Giorgio Perlasca

Heroes -- they aren't sports-people, or movie stars, or politicians -- they're ordinary people with the extraordinary gift to do the right thing when circumstances require them to -- they don't do it for fame, they don't it for money. They do it because they have to. Meet Giorgio Perlasca -- an Italian meat importer, who, in 1944 Nazi-controlled Hungary, posed as a Spanish diplomat, outwitting the Nazis and rescuing around 5,000 Jews from heading to the gas chambers. Then after the war, he disappeared. No one knew where he went or what happened to him. He wasn't found until the 1980s, living in the town of Padua. He never made a big deal of what he did -- never even told his wife. He just went back to living his quiet life. He died in 1992, but not before he became famous for his unselfish act during WWII. A movie honouring his heroism is being screened in Toronto. [Read the article from the Saturday Star.]


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