Cavalcade of Lights

The fireworks display that's part of Toronto's Cavalcade of Lights is being reprised tomorrow at Nathan Phillips Square. The event runs from 7-10PM. The streets around Nathan Phillips Square will be closed to traffic, so if you're heading down there to see the pyrotechnic display, you will want to hoof it from a parking spot a bit away or take the subway. Cavalcade of Lights runs from Nov. 27 - Dec. 31st, features many events and locales. Check the website out for details.


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:110213580508058001
    Dammit! Too bad I can't go to the Fireworks thingys -- I work Saturdays. Ummm, what about St. Lawrence Market and area? We still need stuff for Mom's stocking. And I could use a couple of stiff drinks in mine! BTW, drink your LAST YEAR'S ice-wine stocking stuffer that I went out and bought you (before I drink it!) We could also tour Eatons Centre and area, not to mention the Stag Shop! We could also do Dec 27-29 Ice show ... please? And go to the Distillery district for a day ... that would be cool.
    Posted by Vanessu at 1:20 12/12/2004


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