The China Price

Trade with China -- Business, Economic and Social Change
2004 was the year of outsourcing as businesses moved more manufacturing offshore, and started on white collar jobs. China made the news not only for taking low wage, low skilled jobs, but more and more, for taking high wage, high skilled, technical jobs. More and more China is shaking up the global economy by competing with low wages in the highly skilled and technical sectors. This is good on one hand, in that businesses have found a new source of cheap labour to bring costs down, as well as a new market to sell just about everything. On the bad side however, is the short term turmoil in countries that are losing jobs to China and the trade imbalance China has with first world countries. BusinessWeek has a special report on the topic -- looking at both sides of the debate. It makes for a great read. For further reading on this and related topics, see the links below.
  • Overview of the Theory of Comparative Advantage
  • A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative Advantage: The Case of Japan [PDF]
  • International Trade Theory [A Course]
  • Multinational Firms and the New Trade Theory [PDF]
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