The Innovation Economy

BusinessWeek -- Oct. 11/04
   Back in October, BusinessWeek magazine published a special report on innovation -- the companies, the ideas, the technologies and where in the world are the innovation hot beds. The future is bright as ever for innovation, and while the world has relied on the first world countries, especially the US, to provide the spur of growth, globalization has shifted the US dominance.
   In the past few years, innovation has been rapid in information technology and health care. The change in these industries have been tremendous -- while other industries have been laggards. Where is innovation heading however? What can be expected in the coming years? The world is geared for change. Businesses and individuals now live in state where change is anticipated and expected. Change as a surprise is so yesterday. Yet in this world prepared for innovation, there is uncertainty. Innovation is at the mercy of conflicts scattered around the world -- political and social disruptions can easily stymie the free flowing of ideas, people and money so essential to the global innovation machine. Case in point is the US (and to some degree, the rest of the world) political focus on fighting terrors lurking in the shadows. Funneling of funds into defense R&D, slows government funding into general R&D, education and science. The spectre of terrorism closes the valve on free flowing innovation -- on capitalism itself. Fixing the social injustices is the sure fire way of ensuring peace and growth in global innovation. But will it be done? And done in time?
   BusinessWeek's report on innovation is comprehensive, well written and an exceptional read. It looks ahead to what we can expect from the innovation engine in the coming years. It looks at where in the world the new ideas are coming from, and points to countries that will soon join the ranks of the first world nations. It interviews a slew of innovators for their take on where we're heading and what the future will bring. A really great read.


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