Radical Changes Needed in Schools

Ever been bullied in school? I was. Mostly because I was smart, had an accent, and as I was often reminded, a 'paki.' Actually, I'm Canadian. I came from Guyana. But that didn't matter. It continued through to high school. It didn't affect me much -- I was a bit stupid that way I suppose. I fought back -- although I mostly got beaten up for it. Years later though, I was vindicated when I was renting a car for work. At the car rental company, I was served by a guy who kept calling me 'sir.' It took me a bit before I recognized the idiot. He was one of my high school bullies -- and he was serving me. Bet he wished he had paid more attention in school. Read this post about the state of our school system -- and if you have young kids, listen to them, observe them -- hope they're not being bullied or being a bully.


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