
I just came across the Dialectizer by Rinkworks. It's a site that will dialectize your text or your entire site in Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, Pig Latin and Hacker. Clicking the links on those words will dialectize my site. Go on, give it a try! It's a little bit of well deserved fun before the holidays are over. If you're a blogger and would like to give your visitors the option of dialectizing your post in any of the above dialects, you can easily add a link option after your post to do so. If you know what you're doing, you don't need the following instructions. If you're a little bit leery of html code, follow the instructions. I'm sorry to say that the instructions are only for blog sites that use Blogger -- if you're using another tool and would like to adapt the instructions below for your tool, please post the instructions in the comments.
  • You need to be viewing your Blogger template code. Search for '$BlogItemPermalinkURL$' in the code. You'll want to place the dialectizing code right after the 'permanent link code', but probably before the 'Comments' code.
  • My code for blog posts looks like this: (Replace the { } brackets with < > in the code -- and I've stripped most of the formatting out to keep it simple.)
    {BlogDateHeader} {$BlogDateHeaderDate$}{/BlogDateHeader} {BlogItemTitle}{$BlogItemTitle$}{a name="{$BlogItemNumber$}"} {/a}{/BlogItemTitle} {div class="blogPost"} {$BlogItemBody$} {div class="byline"}posted by {$BlogItemAuthor$} @ {a href="{$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Permanent Link" style="text-decoration: none"}{$BlogItemDateTime$}{/a} {$BlogItemControl$}***** {MainOrArchivePage}{BlogItemCommentsEnabled}{a href="{$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}"}({$BlogItemCommentCount$>) Comments{/a}{/BlogItemCommentsEnabled}{/MainOrArchivePage}{/div}
  • You need to place the dialectizing code where I've marked above with ***** -- ie. replace ***** with,
  • Dialectizing code for Redneck speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=redneck&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Redneck"} Redneck{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Jive speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=jive&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Jive"} Jive{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Cockney speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=cockney&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Cockney"} Cockney{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Elmer Fudd speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=fudd&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Elmer Fudd"} Elmer Fudd{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Swedish Chef speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=bork&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Swedish Chef"} Swedish Chef{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Moron speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=moron&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Moron"} Moron{/a}
  • Dialectizing code for Hacker speak: (Again, replace { } with < > in the code below.)
    {a href="http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=hckr&url={$BlogItemPermalinkURL$}" title="Dialectize to Hacker"} Hacker{/a}
  • Comments

    1. And if this doesn't do it for you, someone has gone and translated the entire Bible to pig latin. It's actually more understandable this way.


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