Free Your Music

Wired Nov. 2004
Last month's Wired magazine included a CD of music under the Creative Commons copyright license, the licensing scheme dreamed by Lawrence Lessig for the digital millennium. Rip it. Mix it. Burn it. Swap it. The cops will not bust down your door. The Creative Commons copyright license scheme comes in a couple of flavours and can be used to protect ownership, while allowing works to be shared, used in a "highly transformative" to create new work and even from profit from that new work. The album includes songs by Beastie Boys [MP3], David Byrne [MP3], Paul Westerberg [MP3], and Chuck D with Fine Arts Militia [MP3], among 12 other groups/artists. (This site uses a flavour of the Creative Commons copyright scheme.) The magazine also includes a great article of Gilberto Gil, Brazilian pop star [MP3] and minister of culture, and on Brazil's embrace of open source technology. Brazil, like other developing nations, such as China and India, don't want to tie their future to US technology companies, so they're aligning themselves to open source technology and concepts -- making for a very interesting future indeed.


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