Little Sleep Makes You Fat

Scientific American is reporting that researchers have recently concluded that sleep deprivation is the levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin in the body. People who consistently got less than five hours of sleep per night had low levels of leptin, which is produced by fat cells. Low levels of leptin signals to the body that it is starving and produces a bigger appetite. Ghrelin on the other hand was higher in sleep deprived people. Produced in the stomach, high levels of ghrelin stimulates appetite, making you want to eat. So, in our modern world, we're driven to produce more and therefore suffer sleep deprivation. Combined with readily available food, especially the unhealthy kind for the time-strapped individuals, no wonder we have an obesity problem.


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:110241853014683703
    I admit I've had more than 5 hours of sleep per night, but where did I go wrong? I should have gained weight, not lost, and had a bigger appetite, not a growing distatste for anything healthy, and a growing desire for no foods but bread and sugar ... It does help explain why these countries are growing around the waist: gogogo, work harder, get more done, you have no time to cook, or to exercise, or even to sleep. Yet another reason we should lay-off the bottom line being the dollar instead of our health.
    Posted by Vanessu at 1:04 12/12/2004


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