Giant Microbes

The Common Cold
You've got to have a sick sense of humour -- and most people in the medical profession probably do -- the ones I've met anyway -- and that's probably the appeal of Giant Microbes. What is Giant Microbes? A company that makes "stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes-only a million times actual size!" Each plush toy comes with an image and infomation on the real microbe. Currently available: "The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, Stomach Ache, Cough, Ear Ache, Bad Breath, Kissing Disease, Athlete's Foot, Ulcer, Martian Life, Beer & Bread, Black Death, Ebola, Flesh Eating, Sleeping Sickness, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, and Bookworm (and in our Professional line: H.I.V. and Hepatitis)."


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:110217324465843506
    Stocking stuffers.
    I'm dead ... serious. I'd love one of those, or two or three! they're an amazing collectible. I'll even run it by Tiff -- who KNOWS her collectibles (like Beanie Babies; she's a connosseiur (SP)).
    Posted by Vanessu at 1:09 12/12/2004


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