Bob Gentry

Who the fuck is this guy? I randomly find this guy's blog when I surf blogs using Blog Explosion. Randomly finding blogs is a good thing -- randomly finding this guy's blog is annoying. I've never seen such public display of narcissism in my life. This guy is in love with himself. How else to explain the many pictures of himself on this blog? Take a look. He obviously spends plenty of time loving himself, that the over-pouring of love has infected the internet. I tried reading some of his pointless drivel -- just couldn't do it however. I was going to drop him a comment or two -- perhaps giving him the verbal finger, but he doesn't allow comments on his blog. I wonder why? Hence this blog post -- a bit of venting on some of the shit I've found in the blogosphere. [Yeah, I know what his bio says he is -- but my question is still valid. Look, only the almost famous like Wil Wheaton can pull off a blog.]


  1. Yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh. I've no problems with self-promotion -- I just couldn't handle the self-exaltation of his site. When one decides to make oneself a public figure, with the most inane self-promotion, one opens oneself to criticism. Yes, I found his email address. I did read the bio, but I wasn't about to expend the effort to email him. I ranted, it was out of my system.

    If he allowed comments, maybe he'd get some interaction. Maybe I'm a minority in this public place -- and if so, my diatribe would instantly vaporize under some flames. But if I'm in the majority, perhaps Bob would learn something -- and perhaps he wouldn't be so complacent with his audience. His blog is public. He wants people to read it. I read it. It annoyed me. I couldn't publicly give him the finger on his site -- so I chose the next best thing.

    Hey Bob, if you're reading -- I'm sure you're a nice guy -- but as another guy, you come across as a twit on your site. Fix it man, and I might bother to give your music a chance. You lost me as a fan, and I never got a chance to listen to the music -- thanks to the blog. If it didn't work for me, it probably ain't working for someone else.


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