Two, Three Weeks Ago

BusinessWeek, May 23/05Oh, time flies when you're just having life live you. I forgot to mention the following previously:
  • Kindness of Strangers -- Organ donors meet the internet -- and no, I'm not talking about selling parts of yourself on eBay, although there's a lot of useless shit of eBay these days. I'm talking about If you're looking for spare parts to replace organs that disease has ravaged, you have a good chance of beating the hospital waiting list after you pay the $295 membership fee. will put you in touch with perfect strangers looking to part with pieces of themselves for free. They just want to do some good. I don't know -- it's a good idea, but the whole thing leaves me with the willies. (But at least, they're my own willies.)
  • He Saw Lights -- Meet Nick Holonyak Jr. He's got bright ideas -- LEDs that is -- light emitting diodes. He first came up with LEDs in 1962, and it was a brilliant idea way before its time. They can last up to ten years, consume less electricity, and if Holonyak has his way, will completely replace all of Edison's bulbs -- and go beyond current technology applications, such as being used in CD/DVD players, laser printers, etc., and find their way into the integrated circuits of chips. Welcome the LET -- light emitting transistor.
  • Mad Ave Is Starry-Eyed Over Net Video -- The projected cost to produce online ads is about $198 million. Paltry compared to the $48 billion spent on TV ads. The promise of internet ads however, far outweigh that of television -- especially internet video, where more and more, companies are dropping their TV ad budget and going online with their money. What's so great about internet ads? Well, first off, there are hardly any rules, so the spots are damn entertaining. Second: when someone clicks one, as an advertiser, you know. Third: they're cheap to produce. As an added bonus, if your ad is entertaining, the audience will email it around and soon a cult following is born. You can't do that on TV. For companies interesting in generating brand awareness, it's like owning the candy store.
  • Earthy Empires -- This is an article about sheep. Not the ba-ba kind that you count to fall asleep. No. This is about the dangerous, stupid and easily led kind of sheep that follow blindly and would be willing to die for you. This is about the evangelical religious. It's about the people who need a charismatic wolf to lead them to their god because they're too fucking stupid to realize that god doesn't need a broker, a dealer or a candlestick maker. It's also about an article about the self-appointed salesmen of god. They who are building empires selling spirituality and good wholesomeness to those too inept to find it on their own. It's big business. And I'm jealous. Wished I had thought of it first. The church of Andy! Bring your tired, your poor, your wretched, and your weak -- and let them give me their money! Damn! Now that's evil!
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