Mass vs. Niche, Free vs. Paid: The March Toward Open Media

Just read a blog post on the Media Center Blog, decrying the death of mass media due to the proliferation of free, niche media. I had to respond.

Sorry, I don't buy the argument that citizen journalism, aka free media, will lead to the collapse of the giant media organizations. What it means is that big media will need to change, just as the music and movie industry is having to change. There are more than one way to generate revenues from media when the distribution channel changes.

The other premise, that smaller media companies will be worse off than large companies for the market is stupid. Smaller media companies can become more focused, more responsive to the market, and a hell of a lot more independent from the corporate interests that that's big media serve.

The evolution of mass media is coming -- those unable to change and respond will die. Those evolve or are built from the ashes of the dead will be better equipped to serve the market that awaits them. There is a bold new future ahead -- change is coming -- and only those with a vested self-interest in the status quo should be afraid.


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