Whale Burger

Japan continues to hunt whales for scientific purposes -- as if the world believes that bullshit. Whales have been a traditional part of the Japanese diet, but industrial whaling has reduce stocks worldwide. Rather than curtail their hunt, Japan is planning on increasing their hunt to up to 900 minke whales. This is despite the International Whaling Commission asking Japan not to.


  1. While I'm busy picking on Japan, who are mightily pissed at not being able to hunt whales commercially, and having to resort to scientific whaling -- it should be noted that Norway has said a figuritive "fuck-it-all," given the world the finger and continues to plunder the oceans with their factories.

    After all, there are some things that should be upheld -- such as traditions. Cause if we don't have our traditions, what do we have?

    Well ... eventually, no whales, but by then we'll change.

  2. You have more faith than I do ... "by then we'll change". I think people will go on, unwilling to do any thing differently until Bertrand Russell is proven right and we do go out with a whimper.

  3. That's exactly what I meant -- figuritively. When we run out of all things to plunder and use, including ourselves, we give the great "oh shit" sigh of realization, and with a proverbial "plop," disappear off the face of the world.

    But that's me being bitter and cynical.

    At my better momenets, I do actually hold out hope for the human species. We're capable of many things. We're capable of hope. I think we'll eventually do the right thing and will not go down in a "plop."

  4. Yes, you said that, but you also said to me that you feel we will not do that for decades. Centuries maybe even. Someone else I know said that humans have an incredible knack for survival, and they (or, we) are intelligent enough to care about things when we know our survival depends on them. Yes, and I hope taht saves us. However, we may encounter a ripple effect that we hadn't been prepared for. Something we didn't care about, didn't value as being a part of our survival, and so we let it be destroyed. But that thing would be instrinsically intertwined into our web of survival. If it goes down, it will eventually drag us with it, and no amount of chemical patch jobs would help.

    Wow. That's based on the western world being dominated by Christianity, instead of a belief system that holds tightly to preserving the web of life, and seeing ourselves as part of it and caretakers of it, instead of being here to be served by earth...

  5. You lost me right after "Yes,"

    Hmm ...


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