Borealis String Quartet

Opening last night for Professor Clifford Will's lecture, Was Einstein Right?, was the Borealis String Quartet. I have no idea why the organizers of the lecture -- and the previous lectures I've been to recently -- feel the need to indulge us in some tortuous "music." Last night the Borealis String Quartet played two selections: Mozart's String Quartet in F major, K 590, and From Water to Ice, a piece written by Aaron Hryciw, a doctorate physics student of the University of Alberta. Apparently, From Water to Ice was written in recognition of the World Year of Physics. This piece was supposed to represent "water, freezing and ice" -- the different phases and the transition. Yeah, OK. I didn't get it. It sounded more like a piece of music written for a horror movie. That's not to say it was bad -- it was actually good -- just more fitting for a horror movie. I enjoyed it.

I don't get the need for a musical introduction to the lectures, and wish they would just skip it and get on with the talk. If anyone out there is from the organizers -- please -- no more music. Some of the previous lectures had really crappy music.


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