Video iPod

While Steve Jobs continues to deny Apple will ever release an iPod with video playback capabilities, industry watchers say it's only a matter of time before they do. Jobs has steadfast denied that Apple was interested in such a device because he didn't believe there was a market for it. Competitors of course haven't been waiting for the king of portable MP3 players to make the first move. Stalwarts of the portable devices business, who took a beating after Apple released the iPod, have all launched portable video players over the past little while. It looks like their honeymoon was short lived. AppleInsider is reporting rumours that next week, Jobs will take to the stage to launch the video iPod. The device is rumoured to be similar to the the 60GB portable photo player, but thinner, sporting a click-wheel similar to the one found on the iPod Nano. AppleInsider expects that Apple will also announce an update to the iTunes site, allowing it to carry video content for the video iPod.

I fully expect Jobs will be doing as AppleInsider is suggesting -- debuting the video iPod -- but I also expect Jobs will be launching a suit against AppleInsider, for the speculation they are doing.
Preemptive Strikes
Graphic, courtesy of BusinessWeek.


  1. Well, the video iPod is out ... and it's hardly revolutionary. It will play only TV shows and music videos available from iTunes, because that was all Jobs could wring out of the movie studios. Apparently, the studios still fear piracy. So, while they refuse to give customers what they want, the peer-to-peer networks continue to fill the demand.

    Surprisingly, Apple will also be charging about $1.99 per TV show download. Yikes! Kind of expensive, especially when you can't burn on disc. How often will you want to see the same stupid TV show?

  2. For a little more on the video iPod release, check out:

    Apple's Baby Step Towards Movies


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