Browser Wars: Flock Attacks

Just when you thought we had seen the end of the browser wars, Firefox flew rose from the ashes of Mozilla. Now get ready for another entry that intends to take a deep swathe into Internet Explorer's side. Flock is coming. According to BusinessWeek Online:
"Flock hopes to turn the browser into a dashboard for collaborating, blogging, sharing photos, reveling in a raft of other group activities that have recently caught fire online."

Expected to be launched in two weeks, Flock will make it easier for Bloggers to edit, reference and post content to their blogs; allow web surfers to instantly tag sites at; and most importantly, Flock will be easy to customize to enhance the browsing experience of the average Jane. Early testers have apparently given the browser the thumbs up, but it's too early to tell if the initial buzz will be translated to wide adoption. People are creatures of habit and lazy. It takes effort to change.


  1. Not a bad plug ... but since we're plugging ... I use w.bloggar. Small, free and absolutely great wysiwyg support. It's an alternative for those of us without too much money.


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