Most companies -- especially larger companies -- have non-discrimination policies. You know -- where they state that they don't care about your religion, age, gender, sexual preference, etc. -- really, they just care about increasing shareholder value. Whether the management staff -- at all levels -- live those commandments or not is a different story. Some habits are hard to change, and some discriminate, not even knowing that they do. Regardless, add to the list of things that companies should not be looking at when hiring, promoting and rewarding, is genetics. Genetics will become more and more a larger shroud hanging over society in this new century. IBM has taken the step of adding to their non-discrimination policy the stipulation that they will not discriminate using genetics either. It doesn't take much foresight to add the word genetics to the list -- yet, why aren't there many others doing the same? Probably because of ambivalence. Companies don't think it will ever become a problem. Sometimes I guess, you need a little disaster before change occurs.


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