Bangladesh Extremism

Bangladesh could prove to be an excellent study of how Islamic extremism rises in countries -- and how inaction against it could lead to a rapidly destabilizing force taking hold. Bandladesh suffers from poverty, ignorance -- it is a place where hope probably hasn't made a visit in many years. Natural disasters seem to strike the country on an annual basis -- so much so, that the world has grown tired of Bangladesh's cries.

Forming out of this mess is a new fanaticism to the country -- one based on the Koran, that lectures on intolerance, hate and violence. The disaffected have given power to this fanaticism, and it's reaching out with claws to rake what little promise of a future the country may have. Islamic terrorism is becoming fashionable in the country -- a way of getting on the public soapbox. As frightening as suicide bombers are, they are not as frightening as the government's denial. If anything, the government is actually making it easy for the fanatics to suceed. Instead of exploding the bombs a safe distance from the public, the government is surpressing those that anger the fanatics. And the population is letting it happen -- having tolerance for it.

Right now the action is all domestic, but sooner or later they will start exporting it. If it doesn't become our problem today, it certainly will be ours tomorrow.


  1. I am in total agreement with you except for one point. It is not the Quran that tells these morons to go out and blow themselves up, it is the uneducated and unenlightened morons who pretend to have an understanding of the Quran.


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