
Video of the Feb. 3, 2006 protest rally outside the Danish embassy in London. Some of these people should be sent back from where they came from. They certainly haven't integrated well -- if they did, they'd realize that the freedom of speech that allows for people to burn flags (and in this case, incite terrorism) is the same freedom of speech that allows caricatures of religious figures. I agree, Muhammad does need defending -- but not from the Danes, of all people -- Muhammad needs defending from the likes of Osama bin Laden, who murder in his name.


  1. "Video of the Feb. 3, 2006 protest rally outside the Danish embassy in London. Some of these people should be sent back from where they came from. They certainly haven't integrated well -- if they did, they'd realize that the freedom of speech that allows for people to burn flags (and in this case, incite terrorism) is the same freedom of speech that allows caricatures of religious figures. I agree, Muhammad does need defending -- but not from the Danes, of all people -- Muhammad needs defending from the likes of Osama bin Laden, who murder in his name."

    I could not have said it better myself.


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