Stoooooooo-pid Americans

No sooner had I finished reading Damien Sorresso's post on how idiotic Americans are, that I came across the video embedded below. Sorresso's post refers to three polls completed this week that confirms most Americans are idiots.
In every poll, a majority of Americans believe that the Biblical creation story is the literal truth about how humans came into existence. And according to the Harris poll, 55% of Americans think that evolution, creationism and intelligent design should all be taught in science classes. According to the Zogby poll, a staggering 88% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 think that intelligent design should receive "equal time" in the classroom. All three polls also showed that the usual suspects are most likely to believe superstitious religious crap over science: Southerners, Republicans, those with no education beyond high school and old people. So if you're a Southern Republican over 55 with no higher education and you don't subscribe to creationism or intelligent design, congratulations. You're a statistical anomaly.

Scary. But those are just words -- text. Watch the video. It's real.


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