How to destroy the Earth

Destroying the Earth would be a very hard thing to do. It's been around for a while -- before us, and will be here after us. However, that won't stop people from thinking about ways to making it all go ka-blooey. At Things of Interest, there is a list of ways ending it all. Check out the site for the descriptions, but be warned, the details are gruesome ... although it will excite your average psychotic physics-geek.
  • Fissioned -- feasibility rating: 2/10
  • Sucked into a microscopic black hole -- feasibility rating: 3/10
  • Blown up by matter/antimatter reaction -- feasibility rating: 5/10
  • Sucked into a giant black hole -- feasibility rating: 6/10
  • Meticulously and systematically deconstructed -- feasibility rating: 6/10
  • Pulverized by impact with blunt instrument -- feasibility rating: 7/10
  • Hurled into the Sun -- feasibility rating: 9/10
  • Ripped apart by Jupiter -- feasibility rating: 9/10


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