Doom (2005)

How do you make a movie out of a first person shooter video game? Well, make the plot really simple to begin with. Soldiers are sent to investigate, secure and more importantly, kill monsters -- on Mars. To further make the plot simple for viewers, make all the characters one-dimensional. If you want to provide any kind of depth, do it with the absence of a back-story, but keep hinting that there is one. Being a first person shooter of course, you'll need lots of guns, including one with the ever so subtle name of B.F.G. Put that all together, and you've got an action movie with no brains. (Not that brains are required.)

If you want said movie to be a potential hit, add a BIG name star -- preferably one with a really expressive face brow eyes head. For Doom, that star was the Rock -- an actor who can't lose the stupid name he granted himself to star as a wrestler. I like the Rock. For a tough guy, he can actually act, and he doesn't suffer from a speech impediment that was a result of steroid use or too many shots to the head. If you don't believe me, check him out in Be Cool. He's hilarious -- stole the movie from John Travolta. In Doom, he plays Sarge, a military guy who follows orders blindly -- even if it means he must kill hundreds of innocents. He's got orders. It's a dumb role, but he played it with quite few facial expressions. Had me laughing every time he made a face.


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