Shooting Dogs (2006)

A new film about the 1994 Rwandan genocide is being released this Friday. Shooting Dogs tells the story of the Rwandan genocide, when the Hutu majority took to the streets of Rwanda and mostly hacked to death 800,000 Tutsis and their Hutu sympathizers, from the perspective of two outsiders: a Catholic priest and a teacher. The movie, which debuted in Kigali on today however, is being released amid some protests. The movie is apparently quite graphic in its treatment of the genocide, and that has reawakened the traumatic experiences of some of the survivors -- especially those that played extras in the movie.

I feel for those that survived -- and are perhaps reliving the genocide due to the film. The movie isn't for them however. It's for us -- the rest of the world -- us that sat idly by and let it happened. Us that continue to sit idly by, while it continues to happen elsewhere. We've learned nothing -- we have felt no lasting pain from what happened in those 100 days in Rwanda. When we're not part of the solution, every single one of us are part of the problem.


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