Milosevic Dead

Serbia's shame -- Yugoslavia's shame -- one of the monsters of our modern times, is dead. Slobodan Milosevic's body was found in the detention centre at the Hague, where he was standing trial for the genocide he was responsible for inciting and perpetrating.

I remember when I was in university, this animal was considered a hero by some Serb students. He was held up as the man who protected all Serbians. Turned out that Milosevic's protection meant the destruction of everyone who wasn't a Serb. Even as the reports came out of the atrocities the Serbian army was committing in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. He may be dead, but I hope Serbians never forget their shame. They made this man. They gave him power. They are guilty for letting him loose on innocents. (Yes, the Bosnians and Croats weren't that nice either -- but Serbia was the first to start beating the drums of war.)

Update: March 12/06
  • Reuters has a report on the reaction to Milosevic's death. The reaction in Serbia is mixed, with hardline nationlists using the victim complex to their advantage -- suggesting that Milosevic was a martyr to the greater Serbian cause.


  1. I must be just around the same age as you. I was just in College at the time of this man's major rise to power. I used to work with a Serbian girl who would go absolutely snake if you said anything about him. Absolutely just wild. It had better be all complimentary all the time or she was just not having it.

    Personally, I hope he suffered huge before he died. I hope he suffered huge agony and pain and if there is a hell, I hope he is burning in it.

    As for the Serbian people, I don't think that some of them feel a whit of remorse. They still have two war criminals in hiding and are saying the Hague is biased against Serbia. Milosevic's family (who have charges against them) is all hiding out somewhere but no extradition process has been started. Some are in Russia and some in Montenegro. These people have not learned their lesson.


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