Stephen Lewis: Race Against Time

Stephen Lewis's Race Against Time 2005 Massey Lectures are being re-aired this week on CBC's IDEAS. If you missed the lectures before, you can now listen to them all online or on your radio as they are aired each night. Last night's is available on demand from the website.

Stephen Lewis is the very articulate UN Secretary-General's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa and a commissioner of the World Health Organization's Commission on Social Determinants of Health. He is however, beyond those titles granted to him in a bureaucratic organization -- he's a man with a passion for his Africa -- an Africa he remembers from his younger days when he traveled the continent after dropping out of University to find himself in life. He is eloquent in speech, and it is at times painful to listen to him recount the horrors HIV/AIDS have visited upon his Africa -- and the further horrors that have resulted due to our disinterest in the welfare of our fellow people.

Have a listen to yesterday's lecture, and I dare you to remain unmoved.


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