The Case of Pete Panse

This is bizarre ... a high school art teacher has been suspended, and may be fired, for suggesting that his students who want to prepare for college level art, may want to take some figure drawing classes on their own time. Figure drawing classes of course, have nude models. And that's the problem. Apparently the school board of Middleton, NY, thinks that to have a such a conversation with his students "could construe as being of a sexual or personal nature...or using [his] position as a teacher to put students into any situation reasonably likely to make them feel uncomfortable because of the injection of sexuality into...the substance of [his] comments”. These were senior students -- students that had completed grade 9, where they had already been exposed to art history, featuring numerous nudes.

WTF?! Has anyone on the school board ever open an art text?


  1. Echoing your WTF and adding a head scratch. Has everyone gone insane with this politically correct bullshit?


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