Is this America?

Criticizing the government is a high art in the free world -- epitomized by the United States, where both sides of the spectrum coexist in a chaotic harmony: those that stand proud to be an American and love their country no matter what; and those that take their right to criticize their country and make it into a lifestyle; sometimes the entire spectrum exists in the same person. It's one of those things that is very American.

I posted a few weeks ago about the US Homeland Security harassment of Dwight Scarbrough, for exercising his very American right, of criticizing his government. Now comes a similar tale. This one again features the mysterious officers from Homeland Security, who seem more interested in cracking down on criticizing of the government than protecting the citizens they are to serve.

George Barisich, president of the United Commercial Fisherman's Association, has been selling anti-FEMA t-shirts to express his displeasure in FEMA's less than stunning response to hurricane Katrina. He was recently slapped with a $75 fine for selling his t-shirts on federal property -- which is ironic, as federal property is the property of the people. Barisich denies the claim. He said he gave one to a fellow Katrina victim when he was picking up canned goods from a charity relief tent. The officers apparently threatened him with arrest if he refused to accept the ticket.

US Homeland Security: what brave souls those officers were. Six against one t-shirt selling 49-year-old. I guess they're practicing for when they run into some real terrorists.


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