Death by Meeting

Read an executive summary of Death by Meeting by Patrick M. Lencioni. It's given me a few ideas, but I'm not sure I want to put any of it practice, as people my lynch me. The book is about meetings -- meetings that are so boring, people yawn and fall asleep -- sometimes falling asleep before they yawn -- I've been in a couple of those. Lencioni recommends four types of meetings:
  • The Daily Check-in -- lasting just a few minutes, the meeting is a stand-up; the purpose is avoid confusion amongst team members on what the daily priorities are.
  • The Weekly Tactical -- this could be weekly or bi-weekly and focus on tactical issues. This meeting needs everyone to attend and set priorities, report on statistics and metrics.
  • The Monthly Strategic -- this meeting is to focus on a couple of strategic issues and set direction.
  • The Quarterly Off-Site Review -- these meetings are for review of strategy, management issues and team building. These meetings are for discussion purposes, and shouldn't be structured.
  • [Order from: Amazon or ChaptersIndigo.]


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